This blog has been neglected for almost a year, mainly because posting in Facebook has taken over and I've been overly busy working out new routes which include flora and butterflies for various tour companies next year. We're branching out because when you live amongst so much beauty it's hard to limit it to avian life, and I'm hoping that we can attract small groups of conservation-minded tourists to the area, setting a good example to counteract the misconception by authorities (which will remain nameless) that busloads of tourists marching through the countryside is a good idea... and also help to reactivate the local economy.
Anyway here are a few of the beauties that we've been able to see...
Bee-eater near nesting colony |
Black Stork |
Cuckoo |
Egyptian vulture
European Pond Turtle |
Knapweed fritillary Melitae-phoebe-occitanica |
Large toirtoiseshell Nymphalis-polychloros |
Cardinal fritillary Argynnis Pandora |
Spanish Festoon Zerynthia rumina |
Zerynthia rumina (worn)
Adenocarpus argyrophyllus in flower
Astragalus epiglottis |
Narcissus rupicola |
Veronica nevadensis |
Linaria amethystea sbsp amethystea |
Anarrinhum duriminium |
Anthericum-liliago |
Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel |
Anarrhinum bellidifolium |
Armeria |
Androrchis mascula